We’ve all heard from our dentist the importance of brushing and flossing the teeth every day—preferably after every meal. However, did you know that conditions such as periodontal disease can also be avoided with routine dental visits? In addition to caring for the teeth and gums at home each day, patients are urged to consider the benefits of visiting their dentist every six months for a prophylaxis cleaning and a thorough evaluation by our professional team. Dr. Darren Gonzalez assists patients of the Santa Rosa, California area with their dental health needs.
Periodontal disease is best described by Dr. Darren Gonzalez as an infection that causes redness, inflammation, and the spread of bacteria within the smile. This bacteria can also enter the bloodstream and cause infection and inflammation elsewhere in the body, making it a condition that needs to be diagnosed and intervened early to ensure protection of one’s overall health and wellness. Periodontal disease starts in the gums as gingivitis, but can spread and cause the loss of gum tissues, jawbone, and natural adult teeth.
There are a few ways in which patients can take a proactive approach to their oral health and wellness. Protection from periodontal disease can be achieved by:
If you have any questions or concerns about periodontal disease, please ask Dr. Darren Gonzalez about obtaining a full evaluation and discuss the ways in which too control this condition. Call (707) 542-1532 and visit the office at 1515 Montgomery Drive in Santa Rosa, California.
MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRIBy appointments only
SAT - SUNClosed