Dental prosthetics are highly recommended to patients who have lost teeth. Whether patients have lost teeth due to disease, decay, or from extraction, it is essential that they work with their dentist to discuss possible replacement options. Dr. Darren Gonzalez and his team in Santa Rosa, CA can help patients understand the importance of replacing these teeth as soon as possible and the consequences that may occur if they don’t.
There are many complications that can occur if you fail to replace teeth that are lost or extracted. Below are just a few of the situations that might occur:
The number of teeth missing, the budget of the patient, and the longevity of the replacement will determine which restoration is chosen by an individual to replace the missing teeth in their smiles. We offer dentures, bridges, and implants for tooth replacement and can help patients choose the option most appropriate for their smiles.
If you need clarification on the benefits of replacing missing or extracted teeth, Dr. Darren Gonzalez of Santa Rosa, CA can assist in educating you about your options. Call his office at (707) 542-1532 and request a visit at 1515 Montgomery Drive.
MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRIBy appointments only
SAT - SUNClosed